Respect Part 1
The words we here so often today from the older generation go along the lines of “The children of today just show no respect to their elders”
Wouldn’t it be nice to receive respect from a person out of love rather than fear?
Wouldn’t it be nice to show some one how much you respect them because you feel that they are a really wonderful loving caring successful person.
Over the past 100-150 years, parents more often have been gaining respect from their children through fear or in short bulling. But is that really respect? How does that sit with you?
You cannot make someone like you through neglect, belittling, manipulation and control. You will have a halfhearted friend who will drop you and the first chance of meeting someone who shows them love and caring listening and understanding.
We are creating children that either need to be belittled and manipulated to feel loved or we are creating children that need to bully put down and abuse to show their love.
How mixed up are thoughts feelings?
Why do we not from the start show a child that we love them through love?
How about we start holding our children when they are hurt, listening to them when they try to talk and explain. How about we treat them, as we would like to be treated ourselves.
The respect and mana we would gain from our children, friends and family would be far greater and longer lasting.We would be remembered with love not fear.