Hello and Welcome

I may seem angry in many of my posts, but I’ve found being a parent in today’s world a very lonely job. I do not believe in the most common trends but I do have very strong beliefs. Up until November 06 I did not have much self-confidence but now I realise I must be confidence in order to be able to give the best to my family.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Baby Training Part 1

Baby trainers are business people.
They want to make money.
They know how to market.
They have money to spend on flash books and big eye popping web sites.
They prey on the tired parents of this world.
They make you feel empowered with their information. You can change your baby and make it a “good baby”.

“Here....right here is that box for you to fit your baby in, just like all the others”

You are led to believe that your baby is “bad” or that is there is something wrong with it if it does not sleep through the night or that it needs to be held all the time.

Baby trainers may say that they have studied in psychology.
I bet they do.....That is what marketing is all about.
Maybe telling you a sob story to pull you in get you feeling as if they really care.
Then they will spin the same old story of how many minutes you should leave your baby to cry before you go in and comfort them.

“But it works” I hear you say

Of course it does.
We all know that if you hit someone physically or mentally long enough they will do what you want.
It doesn’t mean that they will be happy in doing it, that they like doing it.
And to boot they are scared for life.

“Oh rubbish” I hear some of you say
Ok let us look at it another way.

What adds you see on TV?
Coke, McD’s, Chips.
Do you see adds for apples, potatoes or home cooked meals?
There is no money in that, as people can do that for themselves.

Who are the first people that come up in a google search?
The cold hearts of the businessperson.
They are calculating people that want to get their book out there.
You really have to look hard for some REAL advice.

Baby trainers use Fear
Fear that if you do not follow their advice that things will get worse.
They will paint a picture of your baby as abnormal if its not sleeping through the night or it is asking to be held or will not go to a stranger (a visiting friend).

There are wise baby’s out there, there are whispering baby’s and baby’s saving their sleep. So many different choices and ways to train your baby.
Leave the training to dog trainers and let us teach our babies with love and care.

What we need to do is look at books or medical information we need to look at human development studies. Please don’t line these baby trainers’ pockets with your money and your baby’s broken personality.
We need to look into our hearts....and we need to Educate Educate Educate

“Children are not liabilities they are assets”
Robert Kiyosaki – Rich Dad Poor Dad

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

My Start

I've been months in wanting to say and express my feelings. Sadly there are very few who wish to listen.
Back before we all became parents we had dreams of holding our babies and giving them every thing we could. We all longed for a natural birth with no doctors or any other interventions.
We were not going to put our babies down and they were going to sleep with us in our beds.
I can see the smiles of knowing parents now. Its hard hard work and you get so much advice till your head spins. Most of the advice has whittled us away, make us less confident in our parenting skills to the point where we starting to reach for the hundreds of books that tell us what we are doing wrong.
We have lost touch with our selves so much we have so little self-belief in our own feelings we need to turn to a complete stranger who has no love interest in our family or our child to tell us how to “run” our baby. And the baby trainers get money for it.

I have stuck with it!

I have held out!
I do not feel that I have changed my beliefs, my morals probably strengthened them through learning.
I have cried.
I even tried to let my baby cry-it-out.
Ara I am so sorry.

So here I start my blog