Hello and Welcome

I may seem angry in many of my posts, but I’ve found being a parent in today’s world a very lonely job. I do not believe in the most common trends but I do have very strong beliefs. Up until November 06 I did not have much self-confidence but now I realise I must be confidence in order to be able to give the best to my family.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

20 hours free daycare

"... the Government would provide up to 20 free hours of early childhood education and care per week for three and four year old children in New Zealand...."

That's what is really is its daycare...its not education its separation. Sure there might be an early childhood educator there but its not better than a Mother who has access to a place like Playcentre.

There are Sooooooooo many reports, studies and cases that tell us that the most important thing for a growing developing child is to be with its primary caregiver. But we ignore this totally...well it seems that our government does.

Dave brought up the point the other day. So if there are people out there getting 20hours free what about the Mothers and Fathers who do not want to put their child into daycare but want to use a Kindergarten or a Playcentre...what about a home based collection of parents who "home school" their toddlers? Do we get any help?

This is another step to us as a society not learning how to live with children and understand children's needs and children's development and what they are really able to do.

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