Hello and Welcome

I may seem angry in many of my posts, but I’ve found being a parent in today’s world a very lonely job. I do not believe in the most common trends but I do have very strong beliefs. Up until November 06 I did not have much self-confidence but now I realise I must be confidence in order to be able to give the best to my family.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Another web site I like

I'm always looking for something new.


This is a great site. Mum and I made up a wrap out of some soft ribbing. Makes a big difference with the ablity to spread out the load (sorry Ara your only a small load though). I'm still working on the backpack hold as that is the main mode of transport for Ara and I now when we go on longer walks. The front hold is great for putting the washing on the line. The down fall with the front pack is Ara's legs used to hang down in the way so we couldn't bend over. With the wrap the legs are pulled up to wrap around you so she's "sitting". I can also talk to Ara and hand her pegs so she feels like she's helping.
Holding Ara really helps as she's really intrested in everything we do.
I can see the "whats that" and the "why" stage being very long.

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